Monday with Hiah Park
December 12 & 19, 2016
This week 13 & 14 of December, we have amazing Super Full Moon in Gemini.
Fun, playful and little bit naughty, have tons of fun and positive energy.
This energy will help us thinking large, living large, and dreaming big by our connection to our inner truth, wisdom and knowingness of future vision. Have ability
to question by using both side of brain, which will lead us to analytical and intuitive mind, both creative and spiritual.
Powerful confrontation with your life!!
So you can manifest your heart’s desire.
Ask yourself, “What is it, you truly desire?” “What are you really wishing for?”
By recognizing, you are the powerful creator. You are creating conscious reality through your clear vision, your belief and experience. Universe is mirroring that
through law of attraction.
Key here is, you need to get out of your comfort zone and take a risk.
Use Power of magic, manifestation of what you really want!!
Let your energy pull you forward and make your dream come true!! And make it practical and spiritual and constructive. It will lead to Freedom, Creative, Self
Expression, your Heart’s Desire and you can make it happen with positive energy.
Practical and creative, polarizing
two opposite Energy, creating positive energy is base of creativity.
Expanding consciousness, innovative, and creative Self Expression will bring Love, and Receive from others, let Exciting things happen!! Remember, “God is Energy of
Let go, Let Guide with Eye’s of Soul.
Looking In. It is time to step into your Power within your grasp. Take an action.
Be creative. Empower the people, up lift others. We have Power. Together we can change, and make a difference in planet.
It is magical time.
Don’t focus on negative.
Don’t focus on problems which does not working for you.
Focus on solution to the problem.
Focus on Strength.
Focus on your Gift.
Get out comfort zone and take a Risk.
Follow Divine Will, not the “ Ego’s will.
You need to reach highest level of Purity.
Connect the Source Energy, and grow into Love and Prosperity, let it Set the Foundation for 2017.
This is end of 2016, time for reflect and clean up your negative energy, toxic mind, “jealousy, envy, hate, anger, resentment etc..”
2016 is year of “Purification” and “Transformation”.
I hope, 2017 is year of “End of Illusion and year of achieving your Heart’s desire”.